‘Climate change, migration and development: how to enhance the impact of African Diaspora organisations?’
ADPC in collaboration with ADEPT had organized a side-event on this important and timely topic during the European Development Days (EDD) held in Brussels on 21-22 June, 2022. The side-event was organized under the banner of the Knowledge Platform (KP) for Migration Governance in Africa. The event was particularly geared to galvanise the African Diaspora communities in Europe to play a proactive role in the lobbying and advocacy campaigns of Europe and Africa aimed to inform policy and increase public awareness of the challenges of climate change as it affects development and migration in the Africa in the foreseeable future. The proactive participation of the African Diaspora in Europe in the discussion in this emerging policy field will help increase their voices with the broader development cooperation debates at different policy levels within the framework of the renewed Africa-Europe partnership and the Joint Vision for 2030. This is important since Diaspora development practitioners have already strategically positioned themselves as critical actors in development cooperation policy circles, both in host and home countries.
Expected results of the event
- To increase the knowledge and awareness of African Diaspora organisations and other key strategic stakeholders on climate change dynamics as they relate to conditions in Africa.
- To strengthen the lobbying and advocacy capacity of Diaspora organisations so that they take a leadership role on the matter within the ongoing policy dialogues between Africa and Europe, and;
- To contribute to the realisation of policy and practical changes at the EU and AU level conducive to mainstreaming climate change, development and migration as cross-cutting issues within the African Union Agenda 2063.
- This initiative is supported by Africa-Europe Foundation