Diaspora Academy Programme (DAP) 2014-2017
The DAP programme aims to upgrade the professional skills and development competences of Diaspora organizations in Europe who are active in the field of migration and development. DAP is the first of its kind in Europe, initiated to facilitate diaspora development practitioners and organizations gaining access to specific knowledge, viable contacts, and networks that help to further boost contributions to the overall development of the Diaspora members’ countries of origin”.
Harnessing Guyanese Diaspora Volunteers for Development – Contributing to Diaspora Policies and Practices
The proposed project will contribute to a better understanding of the links between international migration, diaspora engagement and development while harnessing the development potential of Guyanese diasporas for their own benefit and the benefit of Guyana’s development. In the proposed project development encompasses the country’s capacity to promote the overall livelihoods and the social, cultural and economic welfare of its people in a sustained manner. There are two entry points: the first is the policy environment, specifically the need to incorporate migration meaningfully and coherently into a comprehensive migration and development policy framework. The second entry point is the practical application of the policy framework to harness Guyanese diasporas for development outcomes. Many past diaspora projects have tended to focus on one or the other of these entry points. This project will hold the two components in tandem. The approach is iterative where policy development is tested in practical applications, which in turn, informs policy making processes.