Knowledge Platform for Migration Governance in Africa


The aim of the platform is to establish a network of expertise for migration governance for Africa. The network would serve as a platform devoted to strengthening the interface between research, policy and practice in the field of migration dynamics within the context of African countries. It would also provide a unique opportunity for African migration policy experts to link up, exchange knowledge and cross-fertilize ideas in the field of migration governance from the perspective of migration dynamics in Africa. To this end, the work of the platform would be largely dedicated to building a crucial network of African migration policy experts for the continent. Such a network is urgently needed due to the complexity of prevailing migration dynamics and related issues, which represent huge policy and institutional challenges to many African governments at this juncture. The platform would operate as a forum through which government policymakers, researchers and practitioners in Africa can learn from each other and share good practices (both policies and programmes) in the field on a regular basis in the form of South-South exchange. Specifically, the platform would be a source for policymaking government institutions involved in mainstreaming migration-led development into national development plans and country strategies.

This project is assisted by the German Government via the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Experts database

The Migration Policy Experts database

The migration policy experts database allows experts in migration policy matters to place their own portfolios setting out their expertise and make them widely available. This database intends, amongst other things, to support the network building between migration policy practitioners, policy-makers and researchers.