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Knowledge Platform for Migration Governance in Africa

The aim of the platform is to establish a network of expertise for migration governance for Africa.

The Migration Policy Policy Briefs

The Platform organizes monthly webinars to discuss relevant migration issues with experts in the field.

Database for Policy-Makers and Researchers

This database intends, amongst other things, to support the network building between migration policy practitioners.

Knowledge Platform for Migration Governance in Africa

The aim of the Platform is to establish a network of expertise for migration governance for Africa. The network would serve as a platform devoted to strengthening the interface between research, policy and practice in the field of migration dynamics within the context of African countries. It would also provide a unique opportunity for African migration policy experts to exchange knowledge and cross-fertilize ideas in the field of migration governance from the perspective of migration dynamics in Africa


Policy Experts








Platform Policy Brief

position paperFeatured Image
position paperFeatured Image
position paperFeatured Image
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Policy BriefFeatured Image
Policy BriefFeatured Image
Policy BriefFeatured Image
Policy BriefFeatured Image
Policy BriefFeatured Image

Webinar: Climate change, migration and development: how to enhance the impact of African Diaspora organisations?’

Climate change is one of the biggest long-term challenges to global development. However, Africa is particularly vulnerable to the negative impact of climate changes due to its low capacity for dealing effectively with its vagaries. Furthermore, climate change is a key development challenge in Africa. For instance, most of the countries in Africa that are now bracing for the negative impact of climate change and its related hazards are those already lagging behind in terms of development, with some of them actually regressing. As a result, the negative impact of climate change will not only retard development but can also contribute to already existing challenges such as political crises and instability, poor economic conditions, poverty, malnutrition, overpopulation and high density, rapid urbanization, social tensions and conflict, forced migration, etc

Webinar: Migration Governance and the Rabat process: the case of Morocco

Webinaire : Gouvernance des migrations et le Processus de Rabat : Le cas du Maroc

Rapport du webinaire

The Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development, also called Rabat Process, was
created in 2006. Since then, the Rabat Process brings together countries of origin, transit and
destination of the migration routes linking Central, West and Northern Africa with Europe as well
as the European Commission (EC) and the Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS), to tackle questions arising from migration issues. The Rabat Process provides a
framework for consultation and coordination; contributes to meeting the challenges posed by
migration; and encourages opportunities for exchange and development.