Migration and Development Civil Society Network


With more people than ever before moving to other countries, it is ever more important for civil society to advocate policies and practices that ensure the well-being and human dignity of the more than 232 million migrants and Diaspora. It’s also crucial to facilitate the Diaspora’s contributions to the development of the communities they live in and come from. Prompted by the need to step-up civil society’s global advocacy efforts and cooperation with governments in a consistent and collective way, the Civil Society Migration and Development Programme (MADE) will build and connect regional networks and thematic civil society groups around the world.


MADE aims to build and strengthen civil society’s global network, its voice and impact for migrants. MADE strives for an increase in civil society organizations’ cooperating capacities and their ability to place and keep commonly identified items unilaterally and collectively on the international agenda. Existing networks include the Global Coalition on Migration, Migrants Rights International and The PanAfrican Network in Defense of Migrants’ Rights. The programme further builds on Civil Society groups’ recommendations made for the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2011 and the Action Plan proposed during the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (HLD), 2013. Three thematic Workgroups coordinated by The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) will be established. The objective of these thematic working groups is to pool and organize thematic expertise among global civil society, to produce reports and recommendations including policy options. Furthermore, the inclusion of good practices , operational models, and to ensure advocacy and cooperation with governments and others on these recommendations are essential.

  • ADPC will establish and lead a Thematic Workgroup on Diaspora and migrants for development
  • Migrant Forum Asia will establish and lead a Thematic Workgroup on Labour migration
  • Cordaid will establish and lead a Thematic Workgroup on Global governance.

ADPC’s Thematic Workgroup on Diaspora and migrants for development particularly focuses on promoting the engagement of Diaspora and migrants as entrepreneurs, social investors, policy advocates and partners in human development for migrants’ countries of origin, heritage and destination.

Main activities
  • Defining the Terms of reference for the thematic working group on Diaspora and migrants for development
  • Strengthening, expanding and building the capacity of a Diaspora and migrants for development workgroup through mapping, identification and outreach to civil society organizations
  • Participating in program coordination meetings, bilateral partner meetings, international partner meetings and International Steering Committee
  • Preparing and organizing thematic working group meetings and webinars
  • Participation in the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Civil Society Days 2014 and 2015
  • Outreach to governments and international organizations by promoting and/or initiating meetings and platforms between civil society organizations and governments, international organizations on themes prioritized by the working group
  • Mapping and showcasing good practices on diaspora and migrants for development
  • Initiating, promoting and implementing thematic advocacy on diaspora and migrants for development
  • Developing a communication strategy as a partner of the global MADE network


Partner organizations

Evolving out of civil society’s “self” organizing capacities for the GFMD and HLD since 2011, and led by ICMC, the MADE network will work directly with partners around the world, under the guidance of an international steering committee comprised of development and human rights NGOs, diaspora and labour organizations, academia and private sector organizations. The network will be open to civil society organizations worldwide. Benefitting from initial funding support from the European Commission for three years, and still seeking co-funding, activities of the MADE network include regional and thematic migration and development conferences before, during and after the GFMD, joint global and regional MADE newsletters, advocacy reports and campaigns, and online and offline exchange of practices and experiences. After the official launch of the MADE network at the GFMD Civil Society Days in Stockholm, Sweden, civil society across the world can join and help lead the movement.


ADPC, leading an international working group on Diaspora and development | ICMC | CORDAID, managing an international working group on the global governance of migration and development | CARITAS SENEGAL, steering the regional MADE network in Africa | THE SCALABRINI INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION NETWORK (SIMN) led by Fundación Scalabrini Chile (INMD), leading the regional MADE network in Latin America and the Caribbean | INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT, co-leading the MADE network in Latin-America and the Caribbean | MIGRANT FORUM ASIA, directing the regional MADE network in Asia, and an international working group on labour migration and recruitment

Time span

The programme will cover the period from January 1st 2014 - April 31st 2016.


European Commission

Contact person for ADPC

Ms. Connie Formson-Lorist, Project Coordinator
Laan van Meerdervoort 70
2517 AN The Hague The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)70 753 77 30
E :

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