
Diaspora Academy Programme (DAP)

The DAP programme aims to upgrade the professional skills and development competences of Diaspora organizations in Europe who are active in the field of migration and development. DAP is the first of its kind in Europe, initiated to facilitate diaspora development practitioners and organizations gaining access to specific knowledge, viable contacts, and networks that help to further boost contributions to the overall development of the Diaspora members' countries of origin. For more information click here.

Strengthening Peace Initiatives of Migrants in The Hague (SPIM)

The main goal of the project is to strengthen migrant organisations in The Hague in building peace in the countries of origin. An additional aim is to improve the network of the migrant organisations. They will have the opportunity to meet each other, large non-governmental organisations (NGOs), diplomats and academics at a seminar during which the results of the project will be presented. Finally, the publicity that will potentially be generated by the publication and the seminar will increase the visibility of the organisations in The Hague and surroundings and can thereby help create a larger support base for their work. For more information click here.

Strengthening Policy Making Capacities of Emerging Diaspora Ministries in Africa (SEDIMA)

This programme aims to contribute to strengthening the policy-making capacity of the newly formed Diaspora Ministries in Africa. The objective of the programme is two-fold: to develop new knowledge in the field of migration and development tailored to the specific policy-making needs of the diaspora representatives; and to provide capacity-building training which will enable these newly appointed policy makers to gain access to up-to-date information. For more information click here.

The Civil Society Migration and Development Network (MADE)

The MADE project aims to connect with Civil Society networks and thematic groups around the world. Its goal is to increase these organizations' cooperating capacities and ability to speak in one voice. Existing networks include the Global Coalition on Migration, Migrants Rights International and The PanAfrican Network in Defense of Migrants' Rights. The project builds further on Civil Society groups' recommendations made for the Global Forum on Migration and Development, 2011 and the Action Plan proposed during the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (HLD), 2013. As from the beginning of March 2014, ADPC will play an important role within the MADE project, under the lead of The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC). For more information click here.

European-wide African Diaspora Platform For Development (EADPD) 2011-2013

This project was initiated to foster the creation of  a solid and viable network that considerably increases the contribution of the African Diaspora to the overall development of Africa in a sustainable and a systematic manner in all 28 EU Member States, Switzerland, Norway and in the five African regions. The project was funded by the European Commission and co-financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). For more information click here.

African Consultative Forum on Migration and Development (AFCMD)

The idea to establish an ACFMD was the first of three key priority areas in the Action Plan presented by the African government officials at an ADPC workshop during the GFMD event in Mexico in November 2010. The African government officials explicitly articulated the urgent need to create an ACFMD in order to exchange information and share specific country experiences among themselves, something which is currently not possible as they lack a mechanism to facilitate such a process. The objective of this programme is to facilitate the establishment of an African Consultative Forum on Migration and Development (ACFMD), which will stimulate the regular exchange of good practices among African policymakers dealing with diaspora and development related issues. For more information click here.