The European-wide African Diaspora Platform for Development
The European-wide African Diaspora Platform for Development (EADPD) Project started in 2011 and will be finalised in December 2013. Five consortium partners implement the programme, namely: the African Diaspora Policy Centre (ADPC) in the Netherlands, the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD) in the UK, the Forum des Organisations de Solidarité internationale issues des Migrations (FORIM) in France, the Coordination Générale des Migrants pour le Développement (CGMD) in Belgium and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Belgium.
The overall objective of the EADPD Project is to promote the contribution of the African Diaspora in Europe through the creation of a network that strengthens the contribution of the Diaspora in all 28 EU Member States and in Norway and Switzerland. Specifically, the project aims to provide support in the establishment of a functioning European platform of African diaspora organizations working on development issues in Africa (1); to improve coordination, communication and cooperation of development activities undertaken by African migrant organisations through the development of tools and mechanism to share information knowledge and expertise (2) and to enhance capacities of diaspora organisations to meaningfully participate in the development cooperation process in Africa (3).
Main activities
- Mobilisation and framing meetings around thematic and geographic clusters with the active African diaspora groups throughout Europe;
- Establishment of diaspora reference groups; definition of rules of engagement and processes and procedures aimed at creating a functioning European-wide Africa diaspora platform;
- Organize regional, Europe-wide consultation meetings and an Africa-EU conference on African diaspora for development (networking);
- Creation of a diaspora website;
- Elaboration of catalogue of good practices in diaspora engagement for development in Africa; elaboration of communication, coordination and cooperation tools;
- Policy analysis and evaluation;
- Capacity building and training for diaspora organizations throughout Europe and their local partners;
- Conduct a baseline survey and ongoing analytical inventory of the ways and means of engagement of diaspora groups in development.
- The European Commission (EC)
- Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DMFA)
- German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
- Der Erweiterungsbeitrag der Schweiz (SDC)
- E-policy briefs & Newsletters in French and English,research papers and a catalogue of good practices: read more
- Research: Diaspora Organizations as Strategic Agents of Development. This paper discusses e.g Diaspora Entrepreneurship, microfinance, Diaspora role in environmenal management and strategic partnerships. This study contains an extensive list of European country profiles with statistics and contact details of local Diaspora organizations and representatives.
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