Diaspora as Agents of Change: Reflecting on the Achievements of the Diaspora Academy

Held on the 20th of April 2017 at The Hague Institute for Global Justice

The African Diaspora Policy Centre is pleased to announce the success of the recently held Reflection Meeting for the Diaspora Academy Programme. The objective of the meeting was to give a platform to the stakeholders of the Diaspora Academy, most importantly the Diaspora organisations that have benefitted from the training workshops, in order to learn how the work of the programme has strengthened skills and capacities in their development activities. The meeting captured the experiences of participants who have gone through the training workshops, which served to highlight their importance as agents of change in peacebuilding, social development and advocacy. It also provided a unique chance to learn about the positive impact of the Diaspora Academy in order to better improve the quality of future activities targeted at enhanced diaspora capacity for development. In this regard the meeting facilitated reflection on impact, achievements and lessons learned from the Diaspora Academy, which will help to guide future work aimed at empowering the Diaspora’s place in the wider development of their homelands.


A full report will be available soon.

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